Tous les clubs-membres des associations nationales affiliées à la FIFA, sont invités à participer au tournoi. Le festival commencera par des matchs de groupe, puis les deux meilleures équipes de chaque groupe passeront en Final Elite Cup, les équipes restantes passeront en Final Simple Cup. Les phases de groupes auront lieu du vendredi au samedi.
Le dimanche, seules les équipes qui ont pris les premières places dans leurs groupes joueront.
Chaque équipe jouera au moins 6 matchs et entrera dans la phase des Play Off.
Cat. | Âge | Terrain | Hors jeu | Match de groupe | Play off |
B16 | garçons 2009-08 | offside | 2*25 min. | 2*25 min. | |
B15 | garçons 2010 | offside | 2*25 min. | 2*25 min. | |
B14 | garçons 2011 | offside | 2*20 min. | 2*20 min. | |
B13 | garçons 2012 | offside | 2*20 min. | 2*20 min. | |
B12 | garçons 2013 | ½ terrain 8+1 | offside | 2*20 min. | 2*20 min. |
B11 | garçons 2014 | ½ terrain 8+1 | offside | 2*20 min. | 2*20 min. |
B10 | garçons 2015 | ¼ terrain 6+1 | no | 2*15 min. | 2*15 min. |
B9 | garçons 2016-17 | ¼ terrain 6+1 | no | 2*15 min. | 2*15 min. |
G15 | filles 2010-11 | offside | 2*25 min. | 2*25 min. | |
G13 | filles 2012-13 | ½ terrain 8+1 | offside | 2*20 min. | 2*20 min. |
Lors du tournoi de football Tallinn Cup, le nombre de joueurs dans une équipe ne doit pas dépasser 20 personnes. Le nombre de joueurs participant à un match n'est pas limité. Le nombre de remplacements dans le match n'est pas limité.
Des remplacements peuvent être effectuées sans interrompre le match, mais uniquement jusqu’à 5 remplacements simultanés dans la catégorie 11 joueurs par terrain et jusqu'à 3 remplacements simultanés dans les autres catégories. Les remplacements inversés sont autorisés.
Nous vous recommandons de garder un seul numéro de joueur sur son t-shirt pendant tout le tournoi.
Un joueur ne peut jouer que pour une équipe.
Selon les règles du tournoi de football Tallinn Cup dans la catégorie 11 joueurs sur le terrain, 2 joueurs âgés un an de plus que les autres peuvent jouer pour l'équipe. Veuillez noter que ces joueurs ne peuvent pas être changés pendant tout le tournoi d'un match à l'autre. Pour la catégorie 11 filles sur le terrain, 3 joueuses plus âgées peuvent jouer en équipe. Pour la catégorie 7 filles sur le terrain, 2 filles âgés un an de plus peuvent jouer pour l’équipe.
Dans toutes les autres catégories, cette autorisation ne peut être obtenue qu'en contactant les organisateurs. Une décision positive est prise par les organisateurs et seulement dans le cas si la fédération de football du pays de l'équipe participante soutient une telle procédure d'admission des joueurs à la compétition.
Par exemple, conformément à la réglementation de l’Union Estonienne de football les équipes estoniennes ne peuvent avoir plus de 2 joueurs plus âgés dans l’équipe nés après le 1er août dans toutes les catégories plus jeunes que celle de 11 joueur sur le terrain.
Les filles peuvent jouer dans des équipes de garçons sans limites. Les garçons ne sont pas autorisés à jouer pour les équipes de filles.
Toute exception n’est possible qu’avec l’accord du comité d’organisation de Tallinn Cup.
There are 4 types of accommodation at the Tallinn Cup:
A) Accommodation in the school
A minimum of one and a maximum of five adults can be accommodated with the team in the classroom on their mattresses and bedding. Everyone who lives in the school should pay the Participating Fee, which includes accommodation from 6 to 9th of July and meals from dinner July, 6th to lunch on July, 9th, as well as the Tallinn Cup Bracelet. IMPORTANT: if you arrive early or leave later than these dates will need to contact the organizers. Extra night costs 20 euros. There is no any possibility to eat on extra days. We offer for you another cafe. A maximum of 50 teams in this category of accommodation.
B) Accommodation in the hostel
Modern, comfortable hostel near the center. There are 2-4 people in the rooms. Toilet on the floor. There is wi-fi, washing machine. There is no limit on the number of adults and children. Everyone who lives in the hostel must pay the Accommodation Fee, which includes accommodation from July 6th to 9th and meals from dinner on July 6th to lunchtime on July 9th, as well as Tallinn Cup Bracelet. IMPORTANT: if you arrive earlier or leave later than these dates, you must contact the organizers. Extra night with breakfast costs about 35 euros. Maximum 10 teams in this accommodation category.
(C) Accommodation in the hotel
Only for booking through the Tallinn Cup. Breakfast and Tallinn Cup Bracelet is included in the prices. More information with the choice of hotels and prices you can find on A dinner will be in a hotel and lunch at the stadium, which is less expensive. Contact for pricing and availability. Maximum 30 teams in this category.
(D) Own accommodation or without accommodation
Teams arranging their own accommodation should pay increased Registration Fee. All participants in this category can buy Tallinn Cup Bracelet. Tallinn Cup Bracelet costs - 38 euro.
All teams confirm their participation by paying the Registration Fee, which includes:
Please, contact the organizers about your arrival in Tallinn if it sooner or later than the tournament starts or finishes.
If you choose the category of accommodation A in the school the cost of extra days is 20 euros per day. Food in school is impossible these days.
Possible that the extra days you have to move to a special school in this case.
We reserve the right during the tournament to move a team from one school to another school only for reasons of more comfortable accommodation.
The teams who choose the school accommodation, the team leader indicated in the Participants List are responsible for the behavior of their team at school. Smoking and drinking of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited on school property.
The team will be taken a deposit of 70 euros which is refundable upon departure of the team from the school in the absence of damage.
To avoid misunderstandings, do not leave money and valuables in the classroom. All football clubs are required to comply with the rules of being in the school during the football tournaments Tallinn Cup!
Each team will receive two Leaders Card's, giving access to the party for coaches and the entrance to the Sports Bar at the stadium.
A festive event for coaches will take place on 8th of July, where you can socialize and relax after the everyday games.
Offering all guests pleasant music, cozy atmosphere, free buffet.
Make sure that all your players must be insure both on and off the playing field.
The Tallinn Cup does not carry any group insurance protecting participants in case of injury, illness, theft or damage to property.
Participants from countries that have no medical insurance agreement with Estonia must have personal medical insurance. All participants must be admit to the Tallinn Cup by medical staff of your club or football school in your country.
Responsible for medical admission to the competition are the responsibility of the coach and the team management.
The organizers provide medical staff for first aid.
Each participant will receive a certificate of participation. The awardees of the Final Elite Cup and Final Simple Cup will recieve Cups and medals in each age category.
There will be a quiz during the tournament. So participants will be able to collect stickers in colorful magazine Tallinn Cup. Collecting all the stickers will be awarded a prize from the tournament sponsors. Stickers are issued by judges for a great and colorful game for buying souvenirs and snacks for participating in the competitions in the stadium, disco and party for the coaches and the finals.
In the case that the tournament can’t be held or is postponed due to events beyond the control of the tournament organizers (force majeure*) or due to events which are not attributable to wrongful intent or gross negligence or the tournament organizers, the tournament organizers cannot be held liable by the delegations for any damages, costs or losses incurred, such as transportation costs, accommodation costs, costs for additional orders, financial losses etc.
Under these circumstances, the tournament organizers reserve the right to either retain the entire registration/accommodation fee and to use it for a future tournament, or to reimburse the delegations after deducting costs already incurred for the organization of the tournament and which could not be recovered from third parties.
The Tallinn Cup is in no way responsible for injury or economic loss which may arise in the case of war, warlike events, civil war, revolution or civil disturbances or because of the actions of the authorities, strikes, lockouts, blockades or similar events.
In the application for participation, your team must specify whether you want to meet you from the railwayor bus station or airport to the hotel, where you will be staying with the bus, which we will order for your team.
This information should be provided to the organizing Committee before June 15.
We help members who come to us from abroad and who need visas to stay in Estonia. We send you an invitation based on the following data:
With our invitation you go to the Estonian Consulate which at our request will be issued to you free visas for participants.
The registered teams agree that the organizers have the right to make e-mail and sms mailings in the future with the offer to take part in the tournament or with other news from the tournament. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Our main objective is to transform a standard tournament into a colorful children's event, where in addition to football, we offer you plenty of entertainment for children and adults.
You can pre-order a city tour visiting the most interesting places for children.
During the tournament, find the guide will be too difficult.
Parade of the participants and a colorful opening ceremony will be held on the evening of the first game day of the football tournament.
Teams must be dressed in their uniforms, each team should have its own flag, its own slogans or song, painted faces and drums.
The stadium Sportland Arena will host a colourful opening ceremony with the participation of artists.
Please keep in mind that most of the categories are fully booked very early. To be secured a sport in the tournament – register and pay the Registration Fee as soon as possible. The time of your registration counts from the day we receive the registration fee.
The Registration Fee must be paid within 30 days of submitting the registration online. Payment for Registration Fee and Participation Fee paid not later than important dates and only for our Bank account details or plastic card through a special form of payment on our website.
Payment in EURO and USD:
Once we receive the payment of your registration fee we will confirm your registration.
Note that all bank transaction fees have to be paid for by the teams. You have to pay in the currency (Euro or USD) that is the most ”natural” currency in your country.
Please observe that we do not accept any personal or company cheques.
Tallinn Cup football tournament invites volunteers to work in our festival of football! The main tasks for the volunteers are information help to the teams, meeting teams, help with the organization of the tournament directly on the playing fields. We pay for the work of volunteers, provide them with a food, in some cases, accommodation. You may not necessarily reside in Tallinn or Estonia. You will not become so rich, but the board would be a good help for your budget. For detailed information, please contact by e-mail: