§1 Règlements

La Coupe de Tallinn sera jouée conformément aux sections applicables des règles de la FIFA et des règles estoniennes. En ce qui concerne les interprétations des règles de la FIFA, le texte anglais s’applique.

§2 Règles du jeu


The club has to be a member of its FIFA affiliated national association. In countries where football is operated by the schools we also allow teams affiliated by their school football association. All players must belong to the club, they are competing for.


Les équipes sont divisées en groupes de quatre (minimum) où elles se rencontreront aux tournois toutes rondes. Le classement entre les équipes sera décidé en fonction des points. 3 points seront attribués pour une victoire, 1 point pour un match nul et 0 point pour une défaite.

Si deux équipes ou plus ont le même nombre de points, le classement sera décidé par rapport aux éléments suivants :

1. Résultats de match(s) entre équipes à égalité de points
2. Nombre de buts marqués
3. Différence de buts
4. Nombre de cartons jaunes

2.3 Play Off

Les deux meilleures équipes de chaque groupe passeront en Final Elite Cup. Les équipes restantes passeront en Final Simple Cup. S'il existe une telle opportunité.

All qualified teams will be divided into groups of four where all the teams will meet in a round robin serie as well. There are a break up to 5 minutes in each match.

2.4 Étape finale

To the final stage Elite and Simple Cups will come 6 teams from 1 place in their groups and 2 teams from 2 place with highest results.

All final stage matches will decided by cup system.

A draw in the final stage will be decided by penalty kicks of 5 shots for ages B14 and older and 3 shots for other ages.

§3 Catégories d'âge. Période de jeu

Cat. Âge Terrain Hors jeu Match de groupe Play off
B16 garçons 2009-08 offside 2*25 min. 2*25 min.
B15 garçons 2010 offside 2*25 min. 2*25 min.
B14 garçons 2011 offside 2*20 min. 2*20 min.
B13 garçons 2012 offside 2*20 min. 2*20 min.
B12 garçons 2013 ½ terrain 8+1 offside 2*20 min. 2*20 min.
B11 garçons 2014 ½ terrain 8+1 offside 2*20 min. 2*20 min.
B10 garçons 2015 ¼ terrain 6+1 no 2*15 min. 2*15 min.
B9 garçons 2016-17 ¼ terrain 6+1 no 2*15 min. 2*15 min.
G15 filles 2010-11 offside 2*25 min. 2*25 min.
G13 filles 2012-13 ½ terrain 8+1 offside 2*20 min. 2*20 min.
G11 filles 2014-15 ¼ terrain 6+1 no 2*15 min. 2*15 min.

§4 Nombre de joueurs


Lors du tournoi de football Tallinn Cup, le nombre de joueurs dans une équipe ne doit pas dépasser 20 personnes.

Le nombre de joueurs participant à un match n'est pas limité. Le nombre de remplacements dans le match n'est pas limité. Un joueur remplacé peut réintégrer le match.


Des remplacements peuvent être effectuées sans interrompre le match, mais uniquement jusqu’à 5 remplacements simultanés dans la catégorie 11 joueurs par terrain et jusqu'à 3 remplacements simultanés dans les autres catégories. Notice that the game has to be stopped and the referee has to be informed by substitution of a goalkeeper.

All substitutions should be done within the technical area of the team. If there is no technical area the substitution should be made at the centre line.

The player that will be substituted has to leave the field before the new player can enter the field. Incorrect substitutions will be punished with a yellow card.


It is permitted to use a player ONLY in one team. The violation is followed by a technical defeat with a score of 0:3, and another team is got a victory with a score of 3:0.

§5 Preuve d'âge. Liste des participants


Each team must submit a list of players to the Tallinn Cup Committee before their first match in the tournament.

All players MUST be able to identify themselves and to certify their age with a valid passport or ID documents.

NOTE! Copy of passport or identity document is not valid.

The teams lodged in school or hotel booked through the Tallinn Cup, will be controlled at the school or hotel.


The teams without accommodation booked through the Tallinn Cup make their proof of identity and age at any school or hotel organization use for participants.


The representative of the team must be present the list of players and show valid documents. This must be done before the tournament week till 22.00 of day arriving to the tournament.

Single players can join at a later time, provided that they are listed on the first given participant list and that the player shows valid identification at the central stadium A Le Coq Arena, before he/she plays his/her first game.

Teams using non eligible players can be excluded from the tournament!!!

Please note, that the team leader listed on the Team List must provide proof of the age of their players.


Injured player may be replaced on the list of participants if there is a medical certificate and the number of players on the list of participants is less than 12 (8 in 7-a-side) after the injured player has been excluded.


All teams have to complete its participants list digitally on the team’s My Team page. The list of participants can then be printed out and from there and taken as a physical copy to the age verification.

The team leader can make the full registration using the My Team page of our website, attaching a scanned color copies of valid documents.

This way each team leader can get a confirmed Team List online.

§6 The special permission


Selon les règles du tournoi de football Tallinn Cup dans la catégorie 11 joueurs sur le terrain, 2 joueurs âgés un an de plus que les autres peuvent jouer pour l'équipe. Pour la catégorie 11 filles sur le terrain, 3 joueuses plus âgées peuvent jouer en équipe. Pour la catégorie 7 filles sur le terrain, 2 filles âgés un an de plus peuvent jouer pour l’équipe. Veuillez noter que ces joueurs ne peuvent pas être changés pendant tout le tournoi d'un match à l'autre.

Dans toutes les autres catégories, cette autorisation ne peut être obtenue qu'en contactant les organisateurs.


Une décision positive est prise par les organisateurs et seulement dans le cas si la fédération de football du pays de l'équipe participante soutient une telle procédure d'admission des joueurs à la compétition.

Par exemple, conformément à la réglementation de l’Union Estonienne de football les équipes estoniennes ne peuvent avoir plus de 2 joueurs plus âgés dans l’équipe nés après le 1er août dans toutes les catégories plus jeunes que celle de 11 joueur sur le terrain.

Toute exception n’est possible qu’avec l’accord du comité d’organisation de Tallinn Cup.


Les filles peuvent jouer dans des équipes de garçons sans limites. Les garçons ne sont pas autorisés à jouer pour les équipes de filles.

Dispensation for over aged players must be applied for no later than one week before the tournament. After this date, no applications for dispensations will be accepted.

§7 Informations sur les matchs

7.1 Team List
  • A confirmed team list (This list can be filled and downloaded/printed from My Team Info and confirm with organizers online or in Tallinn Cup’s Committee) must be handed for the referee or opponent team if they will ask it during or after EVERY match.
  • The number each player has on the team list must be the same as the number of the shirt.
  • All players on the team list are considered as if they have participated in the game.
  • Random controls of team lists and participant lists will be carried out.
7.2 Players’ uniforms
  • All team shirts must be numbered and the numbers must correspond to the numbers on the team list. Numbers must be on the backs of the shirts. Two players may not use the same number in any given match.
  • If a team has a two sets of uniform with different numbers leader has to fill both complects in the Team List.
  • If the referee decides that one team should change shirts due to similarity to the opposing team’s shirts, the team appearing last in the match schedule must change.
  • The uniform of goalkeepers must be differ from field players by shirt colour.
7.3 Before, during and after the game
  • All teams should be ready at the field no later than 15 minutes before kick-off.
  • The team manager must make sure that his players are adequately insured.
  • All players MUST wear shinguards.
  • The teams are responsible for their supporters’ conduct. Bad supporters’ behavior/conduct can result in team’s exclusion from the tournament.
7.4 Balls

All matches are played using balls of size 5, except for classes B12-B8, G12, where size 4 will be used.

§8 7-a-side and 5-a-side

Classes B10-B8 it is allowed to pass the ball to the goalkeeper and he/she is allowed to pick up the ball with the hands.

Goal kick can be done from the ground or from the hands of the goalkeeper. He/she can also throw the ball.

§9 Referees

The referees are authorized by the Estonian Football Association. There will be referees from other countries and assistant referees as well.

The coordinator of the referees during the tournament will be available at the Central Information office at A Le Coq Arena.

If you have comments about the referees you are more than welcome to leave your feedback.

§10 Organizing committee

The Organizing Committee of the tournament consists of the coordinator of the referees, some persons of organizing leaders.

The Organizing Committee handles protests and sanction matters.

Their decisions can not be appealed.

§11 Protest and sanctions


Any and all protests must be made in writing by the team manager. Protests must be delivered at Central Information desk at A Le Coq Arena no later than 2 hours after the match is finished.

  • A protest fee of Euro 70 will be paid at that time. This fee will be returned if the protest is approved.
  • The decisions of the referee regarding facts connected with the play are final. (FIFA rule no. 5). No measures will be taken on protests on decisions made by referees.
  • The content of the protest must be confirmed by appropriate materials: video of the match, reports of the referee of the match, other documents contributing to the objective study of circumstances associated with the filing of the protest.
11.2 Cautions and sending-off offences
  • Any player given a red card is automatically suspended from participation in the following match.
  • The tournament’s Organizing Committee can decide about suspension for further game(s) in case of a direct red card with a hard offences
  • Yellow cards are not accumulated.
  • Severe offences will be reported to the FA of the nation concerned.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If a player that is suspended participates in a game, the team with the suspended player automatically loses the game with 0-3.

§12 Walk over, abandoned match

12.1 Delay or absence of competition games

Any team not appearing at the appointed time and place for a match can be declared looser by 0-3, after a decision by the Organizing Committee.

If a team repeatedly fail to appear at the games, the team may be excluded from the tournament.

In special cases, the Organizing Committee may decide to exclude a team at the first offence, i.e. if a deliberate WO favours the own team or is unfair to another team in the group.


If a match is interrupted for some reason and can’t be played to the end the Organizing Committee will decide if the game has to be replayed, or restarted from the minute when it was interrupted, or if the result will be fixed or if one of the teams or both teams lose 0-3.

§13 Match fields


All the playing fields are grass or artificial turf.

13.2 Stadium locations

The fields are divided into the following areas: A Le Coq Arena, TNTK stadium, Manniku sport stadium, Kalevi Sport center, Marjamaa sport center and other if it needed.


In case of bad weather conditions games may be changed to artificial fields or halls or decided by penalty kicks if it agreed with the teams.

§14 Match Schedule

The Organization Committee has the right to change the groups (until 1st day of the tournament), times and fields.

§15 Organizers

The MTÜ Jalgpalliturniir Tallinn Cup (reg. nr. 80377440), Sihi tn. 122-14, Tallinn 10918 

§16 Regulations for accommodation

16.1 General

The team manager as indicated on the participant list is responsible for any damage caused by his/her players. In a case your team is living in a school your representative needs to provide as a deposit for possible damages of 70 euros to the school administrator. The funds will be returned upon departure of the team after checking the sleeping room.

Consumption of alcoholic beverages is absolutely forbidden in the schools.

Silence is prescribed in each school between 11 p.m. – 6 a.m.

Before departure you have to clean your sleeping room.

16.2 To prevent fire

Smoking is prohibited in the schools.

It is forbidden to cook (for instance to make coffee) in the sleeping facilities and corridors.

It is forbidden to put combustibles in the corridors, or to move out desks and chairs etc.

Please note that the doors between the corridors and the stairs must be closed.


§17 Insurance and responsibility

Make sure that all your players are insured both on and off the playing field. The Tallinn Cup does not carry any group insurance protecting participants in case of injury, illness, theft or damage to property.

The Tallinn Cup is in no way responsible for injury or economic loss which may arise in the case of war, warlike events, civil war, revolution or civil disturbances or because of the actions of the authorities, strikes, lockouts, blockades or similar events. 

Participants from countries that have no medical insurance agreement with Estonia must have personal medical insurance.

§18 Politique d’annulation

Si l'équipe annule sa participation, les frais d'inscription ou 20% des frais d'hébergement ne sont pas remboursables;

50% des frais d'hébergement seront retenus en cas d'annulation après le 1er mai;

100 % des frais d'hébergement seront facturés, en cas d'annulation après le 1er juillet.

Les remboursements des frais d'hébergement ne peuvent être effectués que lorsque la Tallinn Cup reçoit votre avis par e-mail avant le 1er juillet.